Última revisión realizada:09/06/2020

Subject name Final Degree Essay
Degree Degree in Early Childhood Education
ECTS credits 14
Course and four-month period it is taught Cuarto curso, segundo cuatrimestre
Subject type FDE


The FDE of the Degrees in Early Childhood and Primary Education, according to the competences specified in the Royal Decree 1393/2007, that enable to the exercise of the teaching profession, entails that the student carries out a didactic project, where they prove the competence achievement through all the degree. It should be done during the final stage of the studying program, it is mandatory and has a teaching load of 14 ECTS. It must be carried out individually and under the supervision of an assigned director.

The student will present a proposal, according to the lines established by the university and described in the Content section of this guide.

The student who has handed the FDE essay will be considered the author of the work and the only responsible for the claims of third parties that could arise according to the copyright.

The FDE will finish with the defense where the student will have to present his/her work in public in English.

Basic competences

  • CB2. Know how to apply the knowledge to work or vocation in a professional way and possess the competences that are usually exposed through the ellaboration and defense of the arguments and problema solving inside your field of study.
    R.A.1. Write an FDE.
  • CB4. Be able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions both a specialized and a non-specialized audience.
    R.A.1. Define a learning-teaching model and apply it in the FDE.

General competences

  • CG1. Know the objectives, curricular contents and assessment criteria of Preschool and Primary education.
    R.A.1. Define a learning-teaching model and apply it in the FDE.

Specific competences

  • CE67. The competences of the Practicum, together with those of the rest of subjects will be reflected in the FDE that gathers the acquired information through all the described teachings.
    R.A.1. Write the FDE from a group of acquired knowledge in the basic and mandatory subjects related to the field of knowledge framed in the work.

The FDE of the Degrees in Early Childhood and Primary Education according to the competences described in the Royal Decree 1393/2007, that enable to the exercise of the teaching profession, consist on a compendium in terms of competence achievement. In line with this, the approach of the FDE is oriented towards the intervention proposals.

The topic will be related with the content of one or several subjects of the degree, although it can also be totally original. The proposal will be available for the students and will be carried out through the virtual classroom. Here you must fill in all the fields paying special attention to those who are related with the description of the proposal from the part of the student, to ease therefore the director’s work.

Taking into account that the FDE must comprise the acquired training through all the teachings  of the degree the proposal will have above all a didactic intervention character.
Specifically the FDE will be a project oriented towards:

  • Intervention proposal: a didactic unit.
  • Education project with a didactic aim: classroom projects/ cooperative work methodology/ didactic material/ others, etc.

The FDE should be linked as far as possible to one of the departments of the Faculty of Education:

  • Dpto. Teoría y Fundamentos de Educación.
  • Dpto. Psicología de la Educación y Psicobiología.
  • Dpto. Didáctica General y Organización de Centros.
  • Dpto. Familia, Escuela y Sociedad.
  • Dpto. Métodos de Investigación y diagnóstico en educación.
  • Dpto. Didáctica de la Lengua.
  • Dpto. Didáctica de Lengua Inglesa.
  • Dpto. Didáctica de Ciencias Sociales.
  • Dpto. Didáctica de las Matemáticas y Ciencias Experimentales.
  • Dpto. TIC y su Didáctica.
  • Dpto. Didáctica de la Expresión Plástica.
  • Dpto. Didáctica de la Música.
  • Dpto. Didáctica de la Educación Física.
  • Dpto. Didáctica de la Religión.

The focus of the FDE, as regards to the competencial design of the degree, is oriented towards the intervention proposal. You can specifically choose:

  • Intervention proposal: didactic unit.
  • Education project with a didactic purpose: classroom projects / cooperative learning methodology / didactic material, etc. Even though some common sections, include the same information, there is also a specific part that depends on the type of FDE chosen. The personal character of this work, does not make us present a totally closed outline but to include some recommendations that help on the students orientation and the director to design it.

SThen a general structure of the FDE sections is presented and in the virtual classroom you can find a document with the different types, structure and format, that describe into detail the different sections according to the modality.

The FDE, as a way of orientation should refer to the following structure:

  • Cover
  • Summary (including the key words)
  • Index
  • Introdution and objectives
  • Theoretical framework (related to the proposed topic)
  • Contextualization of the proposal
  • Competences, objectives of the proposal/project, contents, planning of the Activities, methodology and orientations for its implementation, criteria, procedures to assess the proposal and a temporal planning of its possible implementation. Material resources. All these sections can vary according to the modality. (You can check the document with specific examples).

  • Conclusions and proposal of improvement
  • Final consdierations
  • Bibliographical references
  • Annexes

The proposed option will be assessed by the FDE director. Both the procedure and the format will be adequately notified. The proposal is of free choice but it should be related to the contents of the subjects of the degree. In any case, the FDE should be an original and unique work.

To defend the FDE you must have passed all the subjects that take part in the study program of the degree and count with the authorization of the assigned director. 

Every student will be assigned, individually a FDE director. As a didactic resource, the student will count with masterclasses and materials for the different topics related to the ellaboration and defense of the FDE which are fundamental for its proper development. Besides, every student can attend the on-site virtual sessions where the teacher will be responsible of explaining the students all they need to do their FDE. 

The FDE director’s functions (responsible teacher) are the following:  

  • Assess and where appropriate pass the proposal (according to the student’s election).
  • Establish the working guidelines with every student.
  • Orient students throughout the development of the FDE through individual sessions.
  • Give group sessions to provide general information about the methodology and other fundamental aspects.
  • Decide if the projects are ready for the defense.

The hours devoted to every activity are specified in the following chart:

Presentation session
Group sessions
Reading, search for material, personal reflection
FDE writing
FDE defence
Tutories (FDE)

Requirements to be allowed to the FDE defence:

  • The student must have previously enrolled the FDE subject.
  • The date for the defence will be programmed according to the open calls of UNIR.
  • Both the FDE as well as attached documents will have to be handed out at least 30 working days before the date when the public defence has been convened.
  • The copy of the FDE has to be handed out in pdf version.
  • • The work will be handed out as a due date the last day planned for the handout.

For the work to be defended it has to be authorized by the director. This authorization will be done through the final version of the work that has to be known and have a positive evaluation. Remember that it is the students’ responsibility to incorporate the suggestions and improvements given by the director. For this reason it is convenient not to leave it until the very last day because unexpected things could happen.

UNIR will publish the calendar and cities for the defense of the FDE with at least 10 working days in advance according to the given date for the defense. The defence of the FDE in front of an evaluation committee will be carried out by the student through an oral presentation of his/her main guidelines, within the maximum period.  

The student will have a maximum of 15 minutes to expose the essential elements of his/her work. Then, the student will answer to the questions posed by the committee, which will count with a maximum of 15 minutes for the comments, questions and clarifications.

FDE grading

The mark will be given by the committe composed of three members, two from the faculty and a third, PhD professor from other degrees or from another university.

Once the defence concludes, the committee will deliver about the mark in camera. The comittee will make the final mark public assessing the contents, organization and exposition of the FDE.  The marking will be given according to a scale ranging from 0 to 10 with one decimal to which a qualitative score will be added.


0 - 4, 9 Fail (SS)
5,0 - 6,9 Pass (AP)
7,0 - 8,9 Remarkable (NT)
9,0 - 10 Pass with merit (SB)

The scoring system is as follows:

FDE structure
FDE viva
FDE content
The Honours Qualification could be given to those works specially remarkable.In any case and according to the current regulations all mentions cannot exceed 5% of the registered students to the FDE.