Esquema de Estadísticas

Última revisión realizada: 19/08/2020 |
Subject name: | Final Master Project |
Master's degree: | Master in Business Administration (MBA) |
ECTS: | 12 | Type of subject: | Final Master Project |
The Final Master Project (TFM) involves the performance by students of a project in which they apply and develop the knowledge acquired in the lessons studied.
The TFM is a work done by the students that must be defended in public. It will be developed under the supervision of a director of TFM, whose function will be to guide its development and prepare the corresponding authorization prior to its defense.
The TFM allows the students to show in an integrated way training contents and the acquisition of the competences associated with the degree. The style used must be precise, clear and correct, making use of a technical language and keep to the subject of analysis.
Fill in the form that you have available in the virtual classroom, once you have seen the introduction session that you have available in the Virtual Sessions section.
The TFM do not have a fixed standard, they can vary in length and structure depending on the area of knowledge, the subject or the analysis techniques applied, although it is true that all are adjusted to a minimum and common content.
Download the TFM structure of a business project: traditional, start-up Download the structure of the TFM of a Business transformation project Download the TFM structure of a process improvement projectRequirements for the defense of the TFM:
UNIR will publish the calendar and the cities where defense the TFM approximately 10 calendar days in advance regarding the indicated defense date.
The defense of the TFM before the examiners board will be carried out by the student, with an oral presentation of their main lines, within the maximum period established.
Individual TFM
The student will have a maximum time of thirty (30) minutes in total to expose the essential elements of their work. The presentation will be done with the help of Power Point slides or equivalent programs. The student must adjust to the time available, exceeding the time will result in a penalty in the grade.
Next, the student will answer the questions raised by the board, which will have a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes for questions and clarifications.
Group TFM
In the case of group TFMs, the board will inform the students that the content and structure has already been assessed, and that in the act of defense only the oral presentation will be evaluated. In these cases, the thirty (30) minutes must be distributed equally among the students of the group. In the event that only one student attends the act of defense of group TFM, the presentation time will be a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes.
The Final Master Project is evaluated according to three aspects:
* The completion of the presentation phase (*) will be an essential condition to pass the Master´s Degree Final Project/Degree Final Project subjects, at least 50% of the score assigned by the rubric to the act of presentation is required.
If the board of examiners considers the presentation failed, the subject cannot be considered passed. In such case the grade of the subject will correspond, exclusively, to that assigned to the presentation.
The grade will be granted by a board of examiners. Once the defense is concluded, the board will deliberate on the grade privately.
The grade will be granted based on the numerical scale from 0 to 10, with a decimal, to which must be added the corresponding qualitative grade (*):
0 - 4, 9 | Suspenso | (SS) |
5,0 - 6,9 | Aprobado | (AP) |
7,0 - 8,9 | Notable | (NT) |
9,0 - 10 | Sobresaliente | (SB) |
The grade of “Matrícula de Honor" may be granted to those works that are specially highlighted.