Última revisión realizada:11/06/2020

Subject Name: Family, School and Society
Study: Degree in Primary Education (Bilingual Group)
ECTS Credits: 4
Year and four month period: First year, first four month period
Type of subject: Compulsory


This subject looks at the educational relationship between family and society. Both educational contexts will be established and the importance of family education and the difference between programmed (school) and spontaneous (family) education will be discussed. These distinctions will lead to the analysis of formal, non-formal and informal education. Also, the relationship between family and school will be studied.

When talking about family, the different stages in its educational task will be distinguished: the education that takes place in the first and second childhood, and specific reflection on this task. The training that schools must impart to parents should also be analysed. Therefore, we will dedicate a unit to the School for Parents as a tool for family training.

The characteristics of the family as a social system, as well as the changes in the family institution in recent decades will be studied. Finally, we will spend some time looking at the role of the community, preferably giving priority to two topics: the media and their educational influence, and family orientation and education in values.

Basic competences

  • BC2. Students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner, and possess the skills that they usually demonstrate through the development and defence of arguments, as well as the resolution of problems within their area of study.
  • BC4.Students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to a specialised and non-specialised public.

General competences

  • GC2. Design, plan and evaluate teaching and learning processes, both individually and in collaboration with other teachers and professionals in the school.
  • GC18. Selectively distinguish audio-visual information that contributes to learning, civic education and cultural richness.

Specific competences

  • SC21. Know the historical development of the family, the different types of families, lifestyles and education in the family context.
  • SC23. Relate education with the environment, and cooperate with families and the community.
  • SC24. Critically analyse and incorporate the most relevant issues of current society that affect family and school education: social and educational impact of audio-visual languages and screens; changes in intergenerational and gender relationships; multiculturalism and interculturality; discrimination and social inclusion and sustainable development.

Unit 1. Education, family and society

  • How to study this unit?
  • Conceptual boundaries: formal, non-formal and informal education.
  • Areas of non-formal education.
  • The areas of formal and non-formal education today.
  • Bibliography.

Unit 2. Family education in a changing world

  • How to study this unit?
  • Family and school: two educational contexts.
  • Relations between the family and school.
  • Schools in the information society.
  • The role of the media.
  • Bibliography.

Unit 3. The educational family

  • How to study this unit?
  • The socialisation process.
  • The family and education in early infancy.
  • The family and education in the second stage of infancy.
  • Bibliography.

Unit 4. Education, family and community.

  • How to study this unit?
  • Education in community and family.
  • Education in values.
  • Bibliography.

Unit 5. School for parents

  • How to study this unit?
  • Communication with families.
  • School for parents.
  • Program for school for parents.
  • Methodology for family workshops.
  • Bibliography.

Unit 6. Family educational practice

  • How to study this unit?
  • Characteristics of the family.
  • The family: social changes and new models.
  • The family as a social system.
  • Educational styles of family.
  • The authority of the family.
  • Bibliography.

Unit 7. The media and educational influence

  • How to study this unit?
  • The media culture.
  • Does television educate?
  • Appropriate use.
  • Bibliography.

Unit 8. Family orientation.

  • How to study this unit?
  • Educational orientation for the family and the school.
  • Family, education, values.
  • Education social skills.
  • Education in infancy.
  • Bibliograph.

The different tasks and activities programmed during the semester have been developed with the goal of adapting the learning process to the different capabilities, necessities and interests of the students.

The activities included in the subject are:

  • Work. These are activities of different types: reflection, case analysis, practice, etc.
  • Participation in events. Events are scheduled every week of the semester: virtual face-to-face sessions, discussion forums, tests.
  • Reading commentary. This is a very specific type of activity that consists in the analysis of texts of articles by expert authors in different units of the subject.

In the weekly program you can find the specific tasks you need to complete in this subject.

Download the program

These activities are combined with the following aspects:

  • Personal Study
  • Tutoring. The tutoring class can be implemented through different tools and means. During the course of the subject, the teacher-tutor plans the individual tutoring on specific days for the resolution of academic-oriented doubts through “Consultation sessions”. Supplementing these sessions, students have also available the “Ask your teacher” forum through which they can formulate questions and check the corresponding answers on general aspects of the subject. Due to the very nature of the media used, there are no fixed schedules for the students.
  • Mandatory on-site final exam.

The hours dedicated to each activity are detailed as follows:

Attendance to virtual classes 14 hours
Master classes 8 hours
Basic material study 34 hours
Reading the additional resources 8 hours
Tasks and self-evaluation tests 19 hours
Tutoring 11 hours
Collaborative work, forums, debates, etc. 5 hours
Final exam 1 hours
Total 100 hours

Basic bibliography

The section Basic Bibliography is essential for the course. If any document (reading, article,…) is not available in the virtual classroom, you will have to find it by other means: UNIR bookshop, virtual library…

  • Aguirre, A. M., Caro, C., Fernández, S. y Silvero, M. (2016). Familia, escuela y sociedad. Manual para maestros. Logroño: UNIR. ISBN: 978-84-16602-06-3 Páginas: 15-29 Disponible en el aula virtual.

The evaluation system is based on the following numerical chart:

0 - 4, 9 Suspense (SS)
5,0 - 6,9 Approved (AP)
7,0 - 8,9 Notable (NT)
9,0 - 10 Sobresaliente (SB)

The grade is made up of two components:

On-site final exam (60%). At the end of the semester, you need to assist a mandatory on-site final exam. You need to pass the final exam so the grade obtained from the assignments (continuous assessment) is summed up to the final grade of the subject.

Continuous assessment (40%): this type of assessment will be measured through the different assignments you need to complete during the course:

Remember that you can check the points (value) of each assignment in the weekly program.

Take into account that the sum of the grades of the assignments included in the continuous assessment is 6 points. You can do as many as you want to until a maximum grade of 4 points (which is the maximum grade you will be obtaining in the continuous assessment). In the weekly program, you can find the grade of each assignment.

Assessment method Min - Max Score
Participation in forums, classes, etc. 0% - 40%
Task, practice cases and activities 0% - 40%
Self-evaluation test 0% - 40%
On-site final exam 60% - 60%

Carmen Caro Samada

Formación académica: Licenciada en Humanidades por la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla. Doctora en Educación por la Universidad de Navarra.

Experiencia: Premio Nacional fin de carrera. Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado en la Universidad de Navarra. Becaria FPU del Ministerio de Educación en la Universidad de Navarra (2006-2010). Ha sido miembro del grupo de investigación "Una educación para la comunicación y la cooperación social. Los conocimientos, las actitudes y las habilidades cívicas" de la Universidad de Navarra. Ha publicado diversos artículos relacionados con la narrativa y la educación moral. Miembro del grupo de investigación "El quehacer educativo como acción" de UNIR. Actualmente es profesora de la UNIR y coordinadora del departamento de Orientación y tutoría. Ha sido ponente en congresos nacional e internacionales y ha publicado diversos artículos sobre narrativa y educación moral.

Studying online means you can organize your study as you wish, as long as you meet the due dates of the different assignments (activities, tasks and tests). In order to help you, we propose the following steps:

  1. From our online platform you will have access to each of the subjects you are enrolled. Apart from this, the virtual classroom of Lo que necesitas saber antes de empezar (All you need to know before starting). In this section, you have available all the documents on how to use the different tools included in the virtual classroom, how a subject is organized and you will also have the possibility to organize your study plan with the tutor.
  2. Do not forget to check the weekly program. You will see which part of the content of the course you have to work on every week. You will see which part of the content of the course you have to work on every week.
  3. After knowing your work for the week, go to Temas in your virtual classroom. There, you will have access to the study material (theory and practice) from the unit you need to study throughout the week.
  4. Start by reading the Key ideas of each unit, there you will find the specific study material and it will help you understand the most important points of the unit. Afterwards, check out the sections Specially Recommended and More Information where you will find more resources in order to deepen on the topic of the unit.
  5. Devote some time to the practical cases and tasks in the subject (assignments and test). Remember that in your weekly program you find all the information related to the schedule for each assignment and the maximum grade you can obtain in each of them.
  6. We strongly recommend you to participate in the Events of the course (online classes, forums...). To know the precise schedule of the events, you need to check the communications tools in the virtual platform. Your teacher and tutor will inform you on the updates of the course.

In the virtual classroom of Lo que necesitas saber antes de empezar (All you need to know before starting) you will always find available information on the structure of the units and information on their sections

Remember that in Lo que necesitas saber antes de empezar (All you need to know before starting) you can check how the different tools of the virtual classroom work: email, forum, online classes, sending the tasks, etc.

Please, take into account the following tips…

  • Whatever you study plan is, go often to the virtual classroom so that you are always up to date about the course and you are in contact with your teacher and your tutor.
  • Remember you are not alone: send an email to your tutor if you have any doubt. If you attend the online classes, you can also ask your teacher about the contents of the unit. Also, you can always write your doubts and questions about the contents in the Forum of each subject (Ask the teacher).
  • Be active and participate! Whenever it is possible, attend the online classes and take part in the forums. The exchange of information, opinions, ideas and resources enrich us and the course.
  • And, remember, you are studying online: your effort and perseverance are the key element to obtain good results. Don’t leave everything to the last minute!!!