Esquema de Estadísticas

Última revisión realizada: 29/04/2022 |
Subject Name: | ICT Tools for the CLIL Classroom |
Study: | Máster Universitario en Educación Bilingüe / Master in Bilingual Education |
ECTS Credits: | 6 |
Year and four month period: | First year, second four month period |
Type of subject: | Compulsory |
This subject is designed to help teachers incorporate new technologies into their bilingual classrooms. Whether you are a technological expert or a first time user of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies), the different sections presented within aim to show you how you can take advantage of these new tools to create more interactive and motivating activities for your learning environment. If education is to evolve with the times, teachers must also evolve and adapt to the way students want and need to learn.
As you have already learnt about CLIL in a previous class, the main purpose of this subject will be to provide general guidelines in order for you to use ICT to complement your CLIL classes. There is some theory that needs to be assimilated in order to fully understand what is really meant by innovative use of technologies, but the weight of the subject will be practical.
Most of the following units follow a similar format by providing ideas for the adaptation of ICT resources which will allow for the development of the students’ skills and competences, both as ICT users and as bilingual content learners. The objective is to offer an array of possibilities and resources to make your classes effective, interesting and motivating.
ICT is a flexible tool that can support different language inputs, allow for more hours of exposure to the target language, open up cross-cultural communication and widen social interaction. It caters to a wide range of learning styles and fosters constant engagement, whatever your content may be. You will soon appreciate how ICT offers dynamic opportunities for effective and creative interaction in the CLIL classroom.
The different tasks and activities programmed during the semester have been developed with the goal of adapting the learning process to the different capabilities, necessities and interests of the students.
The activities included in the subject are:
These activities are combined with the following aspects:
The hours dedicated to each activity are detailed as follows:
Assignments | HOURS | % PRESENCIAL |
Attendance to virtual classes | 15 hours | 100% |
Audiovisual resources | 6 hours | 0 |
Basic material study | 50 hours | 0 |
Additional resources readings | 25 hours | 0 |
Task and practice cases and self-evaluation test | 29 hours | 0 |
Tutoring | 16 hours | 30% |
Collaborative work | 7 hours | 0 |
Final exam | 2 hours | 100% |
Total | 150 hours | - |
You can personalize your study plan choosing the type of activity that best matches your profile. The tutor will advise you and help you elaborate your study plan. S/he will always be available to guide throughout the course.
The evaluation system is based on the following numerical chart:
0 - 4, 9 | Suspenso | (SS) |
5,0 - 6,9 | Aprobado | (AP) |
7,0 - 8,9 | Notable | (NT) |
9,0 - 10 | Sobresaliente | (SB) |
The grade is made up of two components:
Final exam (60%). At the end of the semester, you need to assist a compulsory final exam either in presence- based or online modality. You need to pass the final exam so the grade obtained from the assignments (continuous assessment) is summed up to the final grade of the subject.
Continuous assessment (40%): this type of assessment will be measured through the different assignments you need to complete during the course:
Remember that you can check the points (value) of each assignment in the weekly program.
Take into account that the sum of the grades of the assignments included in the continuous assessment is 6 points. You can do as many as you want to until a maximum grade of 4 points (which is the maximum grade you will be obtaining in the continuous assessment)In the weekly program, you can find the grade of each assignment.
Assessment method |
SCORE min - max |
Participation in forums, classes, etc. | 0% - 10% |
Task, practice cases and activities | 10% - 40% |
Self-evaluation test | 0% - 10% |
Final exam | 60% - 60% |
Education: Doctor en Filología Inglesa (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela); M.A. en English Studies (Queen Mary & Westfield College, University of London); Licenciado en Filología Inglesa (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
Professional experience: Ha sido profesor en las universidades de Santiago de Compostela (Filología Inglesa) y Vigo (Filología Inglesa, Traducción e Interpretación). Desde 2013 es profesor en la Facultad de Educación de UNIR impartiendo asignaturas de Lengua Inglesa, Didáctica y Tecnologías aplicadas al aprendizaje tanto en grados como en másteres. Director de TFG Y TFM.
Studying online means you can organize your study as you wish, as long as you meet the due dates of the different assignments (activities, tasks and tests). In order to help you, we propose the following steps:
In the virtual classroom of Lo que necesitas saber antes de empezar (All you need to know before starting) you will always find available information on the structure of the units and information on their sections
Remember that in Lo que necesitas saber antes de empezar (All you need to know before starting) you can check how the different tools of the virtual classroom work: email, forum, online classes, sending the tasks, etc.
Please, take into account the following tips…